ACW Foundation
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Parent Counselling - ACW Foundation

Parent counselling is one of the most important features of ACWF’s functioning. We realize that bringing up a Special Child is perhaps the most stressful job on the planet!

Parenting, in itself, is difficult. Couple that with having a Special kid, in addition to having no money, and we have a lethal bomb of worry lurking over the heads of these parents. Its not easy to convince a daily-wage worker who has a Special Child, in addition to other children, to think positive. It’s tough to get him to see the brighter side of life, when all he sees is darkness and gloom lurking all around.

ACWF realizes how important it is for parents to be calm, composed and patient with their Special kids.  We hold parent counselling and guidance sessions. These are done individually, and as a group. In the initial sessions, parents voice their concerns, weep about their children, get angry at their destiny, and basically say it all- unafraid and unashamed.

As the sessions proceed, parents get more attuned to the needs of their Special Children. Desperation gives way to clarity of thought when they know their children’s education, therapy and medical expenses are being taken care of, by ACWF. The parents begin to understand the importance of positive parenting. A few more sessions, and these parents actually start to feel happy and proud of little achievements that their Special Children make.

All these sessions are conducted by earnest philanthropic parents, who have been through life’s difficulties and emerged wiser. And because it is a heart-to-heart interaction, the lessons learnt are for life. We have innumerable instances where aggrieved parents that have needed rigorous counselling sessions, turned out to be excellent counsellors themselves!